Get Relaxed for Your Race FAST

Discover what relaxation can do for your sprinting performance?

Click the video below

(2 Mins watch)

This Program is for You if:

  • You're a sprinter or 400m athlete of any age, gender or capability. International athlete or club athlete

  • You're an athlete who tightens up in competition.

  • Your current race times and performances are disappointing compared to the effort and performances you're displaying in training.

  • You know you're capable of much more in your sprinting or 400m.

  • You want to maximise your potential

  • You're open minded and ready to embrace new ways of thinking

Do You Look Like THIS When You Sprint?

Not pretty is it?

And yet it's so common in athletes today - even professionals.

The grimace in the face, the tight shoulders and the dwindling lethargic, stride length.

All leading to unimpressive times.

Causing you endless frustration, confusion

And maybe even injury.

Simply put:

Tight sprinting is robbing you of your potential.

Tight Sprinting Ruins

  • stride length
  • power
  • endurance
  • coordination
  • Careers

You know those races when you ran slower than you should.

And it was frustrating, confusing and demoralising.

Because you'd done all the training

And trained hard as well. 

And when all that hard training didn't pay you back with fast times, you probably started to wonder:

"If my best effort is not working, what's the point of this?"

You start to doubt yourself

The worst possible mindset for an athlete.

and you start to wonder

What's the point of carrying on?

So many athletes quit at this point.

And it seems to make logical sense.

If their best effort was not good enough then why spend time doing something that doesn't give you the rewards?

The truth is their best effort was not what they needed.

All they were missing was one very vital ingredient.

The same vital ingredient that you are missing...

And It's Not Fitness.

Or Flexibility

Or a Stronger Core

It's simply relaxation.

This is the part that most athletes miss because they think all they need is hard training and the results will come.

This is NOT true.

When you're relaxed, you're in or close to your flow state. This is where you really perform to capacity. You feel connected and you find a rhythm where running just feels easy.

And sprinting should feel easy for you

This is what I want for you and this is what I offer below.

In this program you'll understand how to apply relaxation to your sprinting instantly and easily.

You'll be taken through easy techniques that you can apply here and now so you can see the benefits in your next training session or competition.

I'll also take you through a relaxation sequence that I use for my athletes to bring about relaxation and energy.

This program is one of a kind.

You won't find anything like this in athletics (or in any sport).

It is totally unique.

What The Program Contains

How To Instantly Relax for Optimal Speed and Power

Learn the techniques that will help you relax with a click of your finger.

Hidden Pre-Race Tighteners That Are Slowing YOU Down

You'll uncover common pre-race routines athletes nornally do that are actually tightening you up and making you slower for your race.

Your 6 Mins Pre-Race Sequence for Your FASTEST Race

How do you relax before a race? How can you put yourself in the best place both mentally and physically for your fastest time? We will show you.

Because THIS is what you want, isn't it?


Whether that be medals at major champs or a Personal Record at your local meet.

There's nothing better than that satisfying feeling of achievement.

But this can only be done if you are able to handle your nerves, handle the pressure in the most pressurised environments of competition and prevent tightness from robbing you of your speed.



(More energy, flexibility and power)


(Less LACTIC and MORE speed for LONGER)


(you'll improve reaction time and be more powerful)

Reduce chances of INJURY

(stress is linked to higher incidences of injury)

Reduce Frustration and build CONFIDENCE

so you achieve your potential.

This course is closed for enrollment.

Andy - Course Creator

Andy is a 400m/400m hurdles athlete, a qualified sprints coach, strength coach and sports massage therapist.

He is into his 3rd decade as an athlete and trains international junior, senior and masters athletes in Taunton, Somerset, UK.

Andy is a relaxation specialist and uses techniques that will help you realise your goals and aspirations.


The "Sprinters Pre-Race Relaxation Sequence" program is designed to assist sprinters and 400m athletes in improving their relaxation and performance through techniques based on the Be-Activated treatment method. Please be aware of the following:

  1. Consult with a Professional: This program is intended to provide general guidance on relaxation and performance techniques. Before starting any new exercise or relaxation routine, it is recommended that you consult with a qualified healthcare provider or sports professional to ensure it is appropriate for your individual needs and conditions.
  2. Individual Results May Vary: While many athletes find benefit from the techniques provided, individual results may vary. The effectiveness of the program can depend on various factors including your current fitness level, technique, and consistency in applying the methods.
  3. Not a Substitute for Medical Advice: The program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical conditions. If you have any existing medical conditions, injuries, or concerns, please seek professional medical advice prior to participating in the program.
  4. Responsibility for Use: By purchasing and using this program, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own health and well-being. The creators and distributors of this program are not liable for any injuries or adverse effects resulting from the use of the techniques demonstrated.
  5. Proper Use of Program: For optimal results, it is important to follow the instructions provided in the program carefully and consistently.
